Radio Silence

It has been a while since I posted here and that’s simply for the reason there isn’t much to say! I’ve spent the last few months completing a new thriller, this one has broken free from Devon and flits between various countries including the UK, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Italy, and the Netherlands. I can’t reveal much about the book except it isn’t a Charlotte Savage novel (boo, hiss). Yes, yes, yes, I know one has been promised and eventually one will turn up (or perhaps, like buses, three…), but writers have to try and make a living and at the moment DI Savage does not have a publishing home. I do have a name for the next Savage book and a plot, so it is not all pie in the sky… honestly!

But back to the future. Here are a couple of pictures of places which feature in the upcoming thriller. No clues, but having given you a number of different countries above, I don’t think you’ll have much trouble guessing the exact locations. Answers at the bottom of the page.









Here: Port of Rotterdam, Kabul, the Amalfi Coast, Thames House London (home of MI5). Did you get them?

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