It Doesn’t Get Much Better…
Well, this is what it is all about. Touch has sold a stack of digital copies, it has been a number one thriller on Amazon, number one in police procedurals too....
Well, this is what it is all about. Touch has sold a stack of digital copies, it has been a number one thriller on Amazon, number one in police procedurals too....
After last week’s Google Play promotion Touch has managed to get to number two in the Play book chart. It’s just above Anything but Vanilla&nbs...
Thrilled to see that Touch is Read of the Week on Google Play. No idea how Google figure alongside Amazon, but it’s good to see them trying to get in...
It’s been a week since publication day and although Touch hasn’t reached the dizzying heights it did last year I’m quite happy with its progre...
Today’s the day when Touch goes from being a self-published book to a traditionally published book. The new version of Touch, published by ...
It’s a long way off, but the paperback version of Touch is going to be published in the UK by Avon on 11th April 2013. I know a lot of people have been wa...
I am really pleased to announce that Touch and the next two Charlotte Savage books are going to be published by Harper Collins imprint Avon. Story from the...
Touch has slumped in the Amazon charts thanks to the preponderance of the 20p ebook. However, in the Waterstones’ chart it has managed to reach numbe...
I have been somewhat lazy over the summer as regards posting to this blog. Work besides writing, the school holidays and such have got in the way. However, autu...
Sadly not my income for the year (I wish), but the number of copies Touch has, as of today, now sold: sixty thousand (falls off chair in amazement). Took a litt...