One Month To Go

There’s just a month to go until the publication of Tell Tale, the fourth book in the DI Charlotte Savage series (cover below).
Once again sterling work by the Avon/HarperCollins team in prepping the book. Also a big “thanks” to James Oswald for providing a great review/cover quote. I’ve long been a fan of James’s unique brand of detective fiction so favourable comments from him are especially welcome.
Tell Tale can be read without reading the other CS books, but those who have read Cut Dead (book three) will have been waiting keenly to discover what happens after the final page cliff hanger (believe me after writing the final page I too wanted to know what happened!).

As mentioned in the previous post I have started writing book five. Without giving anything away a few of Charlotte’s “issues” are wrapped up in Tale Tale meaning five returns to a good old-fashioned “hunt the killer” type book. There will be twists galore, plenty of surprise and I don’t think I’m giving anything away by saying there will likely be a body or three.

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